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Ubuntu Startup Sound, or either Ubuntu Startup is a sound effect for booting up the Ubuntu live or installation.


Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on Debian and composed mostly of free and open-source software. It was released in 2004 (the release of 4.10). Ubuntu is officially released in multiple editions: Desktop, Server, and Core for Internet of things devices and robots. The operating system is developed by the British company Canonical, and a community of other developers, under a meritocratic governance model.

Ubuntu is built on Debian's architecture and infrastructure and comprises Linux server, desktop, and discontinued phone and tablet operating system versions. Ubuntu releases updated versions predictably every six months, and each release receives free support for nine months (eighteen months before 13.04) with security fixes, high-impact bug fixes, and conservative, substantially beneficial low-risk bug fixes.

Current long-term support (LTS) releases are supported for five years and are released every two years. Since the release of Ubuntu 6.06, every fourth release has received long-term support. Long-term support includes updates for new hardware, security patches, and updates to the 'Ubuntu stack' (cloud computing infrastructure). The first LTS releases were supported for three years on the desktop and five years on the server; since Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, desktop support for LTS releases has increased to five years as well. LTS releases get regular point releases with support for new hardware and integration of all the updates published in that series to date.


The Ubuntu startup sound has different ways. The sound has bells and a riser that starts. The sound from 2004, is similar to Shape Of You.

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Ubuntu Startup Sound

Ubuntu Startup Sound

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

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Ubuntu Startup Sound, or either Ubuntu Startup is a sound effect for booting up the Ubuntu live or installation.


Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on Debian and composed mostly of free and open-source software. It was released in 2004 (the release of 4.10). Ubuntu is officially released in multiple editions: Desktop, Server, and Core for Internet of things devices and robots. The operating system is developed by the British company Canonical, and a community of other developers, under a meritocratic governance model.

Ubuntu is built on Debian's architecture and infrastructure and comprises Linux server, desktop, and discontinued phone and tablet operating system versions. Ubuntu releases updated versions predictably every six months, and each release receives free support for nine months (eighteen months before 13.04) with security fixes, high-impact bug fixes, and conservative, substantially beneficial low-risk bug fixes.

Current long-term support (LTS) releases are supported for five years and are released every two years. Since the release of Ubuntu 6.06, every fourth release has received long-term support. Long-term support includes updates for new hardware, security patches, and updates to the 'Ubuntu stack' (cloud computing infrastructure). The first LTS releases were supported for three years on the desktop and five years on the server; since Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, desktop support for LTS releases has increased to five years as well. LTS releases get regular point releases with support for new hardware and integration of all the updates published in that series to date.


The Ubuntu startup sound has different ways. The sound has bells and a riser that starts. The sound from 2004, is similar to Shape Of You.

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