Weather Forecast Fails - Images
Alberta weather explained

Weather Forecast Fails
why does this always happen?

Weather Forecast Fails
The National Weather Service tried to ban windows (the kind you look out of) at its offices
Weather Forecast Fails

Weather Forecast Fails
You Said It Blaine

Weather Forecast Fails
Best Weather report ever ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Weather Forecast Fails
Post weather controlling characters

Weather Forecast Fails
Guy in the background during weather report

Weather Forecast Fails
its gonna get pretty spooky

Weather Forecast Fails
That Looks Like a Dick

Weather Forecast Fails
The Weather Front is Thrusting West

Weather Forecast Fails
French Broadcast

Weather Forecast Fails
Heh Heh Hehe

Weather Forecast Fails
Calor Peligroso

Weather Forecast Fails
Whoops the Camera is on

Weather Forecast Fails
Probability of Corn

Weather Forecast Fails