All Entries - Entries
Goblin Mode

Goblin Mode
Dick Sucking Factory

Dick Sucking Factory
Attractive 22 YO Girl On the Subway

Attractive 22 YO Girl On the Subway

Congratulations @Mobute

Congratulations @Mobute
@MarkusJ's "Email to My Girlfriend's Husband"

@MarkusJ's "Email to My Girlfriend's Husband"
Leyawn's "Nuggets Teen is a Russian Operation" Hoax

Leyawn's "Nuggets Teen is a Russian Operation" Hoax
This Is The Future That Liberals Want

This Is The Future That Liberals Want
Retire Bitch

Retire Bitch
Shit Account Tournament

Shit Account Tournament
"Please don't write something snarky"

"Please don't write something snarky"
TomBroDude's Death

TomBroDude's Death
"This Is the Ideal Male Body"

"This Is the Ideal Male Body"
Woke Toddler