Well That Sucks / Pun Replies - Images
That's unfortunate

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
Poor fella missed math day in trucker college.

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
At least he figured out what the noise was

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
On my local facebook group

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
My new car caught on fire within an hour of being delivered.

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
Someone lost an airpod in this drain

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
Found this behind my wardrobe yesterday... I'm extremely allergic to mold...

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
Broke my tooth yesterday. I'm a broke boy with no insurance

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
Łodź, Poland

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
A deer ran into the lingerie shop my sister works at

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
Paid 4 extra bucks on Uber Eats for a Happy birthday sign on the birthday cake and this is what I got

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
I have severe tendonitis in both thumbs, at the same time, and likely need surgery on each.

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
I tried pulling a tag off of my new shirt ☹️

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
Burned my arm with oil while cooking. Would it leave scars?

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
Hot cup of Tea with Honey made our glass coffee table explode

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies
Broken in the dishwasher

Well That Sucks / Pun Replies