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Part of a series on 4chan. [View Related Entries]


Wholesome 4chan refers to posts showing examples of 4chan users being helpful and friendly rather than crass or negative as per the site's reputation. In the late 2010s, a subreddit devoted to such posts helped spread examples of 4chan users being nice.


Due to 4chan's reputation as a mean-spirited site, examples of the site's users being nice have been singled out for over a decade. One of the earliest known posts to feature "wholesome 4chan" users is a Demotivational Poster showing a July 30th, 2007 interaction in which users compliment another after he requested he be roasted (shown below).

Fle 1185800966 ipg-(70 KB, 640x480, DSCO0392 jpg □ 07/30OT(Mon)09:09:26 No.34446488 What do you think of me? SHOW ME YOUR WORST!!! >> □ 073007(Mon)09:09:53 No.34446510 ー You look like you are enjoying your noodles. Have a good day, kind Asian sir >> □ 0730 07alo)09: 10:19 No.34446531 You loode nise >> □ 07/30 07alo)09:10:49 No. 3 444 65 59 You're a wonderful person >>ロ073007(Mon)09:11:08 No. 3444 6582 your handsome <3 >> □ 07/30。7(Mon)09:11:14 No.344465S9 you are quite attractive. >> D 07 /30 07(Mon)091 227 No. 34446675 Fle 1185801189 ing-(142 KB, 736x736, 11853038S6019 jpg) We ne nnch nicer thmpeeplesy 4CHAN The Internet Love Machine.


The trend of celebrating wholesome 4chan posts started seeing more spread in the late 2010s with the creation of subreddits such as /r/wholesomegreentext[4] (over 37,000 subscribers) and /r/Wholesome4chan (over 17,000 subsribers). Posts from these subreddits led to the creation of articles such as College Humor's "10 Times 4chan Was Surprisingly Wholesome"[5] and Dorkly's "8 More Times 4chan Proved it Had an Inspirational Side."[6]


/r/Wholesome4chan was created January 24th, 2017 by Redditor awkwardtheturtle.[1] The subreddit's members post screenshots of interactions and posts on 4chan that are generally positive, or wholesome. As of May 8th, 2018, there are 19 moderators of the subreddit. The top posts in the subreddit include a post titled "Anons decide the fate of kittens,"[2] which gained over 2,000 points (shown below, left), and "Anon hugs his wife,"[3] which gained over 1,700 points (shown below, right).

08/08/14(Fri)00:4242 No.561136260 upon returning from my holidaysI have acquired 4 stray kittens. as always 69 decides what I do wth thenm 104 MB JPG OP delivers 08/08/14(Fri)00:47 28 No.561136661 Make paperhats for each of them 08/08/14(Fri)00:56:52 No.561137482 im doing this as we speak 08/08/14(Fri)00:56 43 No.561137469 love them forever 08/08/14(Fri)0102:13 No.561137968 I shall love them forever 927 KB JPG 08/08/14(Fri)01:04:12 No.561138147 f------ best appreciate how hard it is to get 4 kittens to wear paper hats.
Anonymous (ID: eQot91c+) 05/01/13(Wed)18:34:43 No.477045509 File: 1367447683568.ipg-(9 KB, 480x360, yui.jpg) >be me sbe 16 >be a total beta have few friends nothing special >total weaboo >be doing duke of edinburgh award >for the volunteering decide to help a paralyzed girl and her mum >her dad was fighting over seas at the time >first day listen to the mum about what ill be doing idgf >meet gir 1010 >DAYUM.jpeg >say hello how are you the usual s--- get started helping the mum cook me and her get talking about her daughter >ask what she does all day She just lies in bed watching tv. -feels bad man >dont think much other of it though >go in to take her food and to her feed her etc >SHE'S WATCHING DEATH NOTE swe start talking like crazy sdiscuss other anime >become friends quickly >keep up DoE award keep talking to her >become very good friends >DoE ends >keep on visiting her after school go out with her,with her in a wheel chair >go to park and stuff -she's never been outside for a prolonged amount of time >start dating kind of >keep on visiting and helping out swatch anime together for a couple of weeks >get onto angel beats -episode ten -find out Yui was paralyzed keep quiet >marriage proposal scene engageoverfeel.png >10/10 girl asks if i would like her more if she could move -tears rolling down face throw my arms around her softly say you are perfect the way you are, dont ever change that was the first time i ever hugged my wife

Other popular posts include an edit which featured an anon inviting /b/ to roast him but the anons said he looked good (shown below, left) and a post where users celebrate with an anon who goes on a job interview and gets the job (shown below, right).

File: IMG 20170422 210849204 jpg (1.3 MB, 1944x2592) Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)21:12 43 No.730172400 Reply] Roast me /b/ Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)21:13:53 No.730172492 730172400 (OP) Nah, you look like a good mate Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)21:14 42 No.730172565 You seem pretty alright to me Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)21:15:01 No.730172599 yeah sorry no roasting today
File: 1508636179380.j2g (8 KB, 249x230) OAnonymous (ID: ZGOMkuP 05/05/18(Sat)09:47:26 No.5017331 [Replyl Well, I have a job interview in an hour 12 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view. >> O Anonymous (ID: ARM)雪05/05/18(Sat) 1 1 : 1 1 :55 No. 501 8358 File: F9746582-EBAC-45A9-8358-Dpng (151 KB, 724x1023) Good luck friend! Anonymous (ID: zM05/05/18(Sat)13:11:13 No.5019086225019089 File: 1479303728734.png (122 KB, 1328x764) job is mine frens Anonymous (ID: ZObyzzGa05/05/18(Sat)13:11:35 No.5019089 >5019086 YAAAAAAAAY! Great job anon!

Various Examples

: Anonymous 09/14/16(Wed)19:11:11 No.703940657 >be me recently moved because of jolb opportunity, no gf, no friends in town severy friday, order a pizza from local pizzahut 21 KB JPG >give delivery guy a different challenge" every time they bring a pizza, with a large tip as a reward if they complete it always make them america-related start easy. draw an american flag for 5$ slowly make them more and more challenging, increasing reward as time goes on "recite the preamble for 20$ s"tell me your personal opinion on the 2nd amendment for 10$ etc etc this goes on for a few months until pretty much every employee in the resturaunt that has done a delivery has at least attempted one of my challenges >yesterday, get in pretty bad car accident swake up in hospital today. told by nurse that a few people came by to visit, mainly coworkers from job -some of them left a pizza smfw there's a pizza on a table in the room of the same type that i always get >mfw it's got an american flag on it and a "get well soon" card with signatures from the entire restaurant staff
File: J4qXoO6.jpg (20 KB, 300x300) Happy feels thread Happy Anonymous 04/11/18(Wed)16:02:07 No.44612105 >Be me today Walking home >See that grapes are cheap >Buy grapes Eat grapes while walking >Be me, satisfied 1 replies omitted. Click here to view Anonymous 04/11/18(Wed)16:05:19 No.44612177 44612105 >listen to music >i like music it's good music >thank you music Anonymous 04/11/18(Wed)16:06:10 No.44612204 44612105 Imagine being this easy to satisfy 92 Anonymous 04/11/18(Wed)16:06:55 No.44612223 >be me depressed the whole day > Sees anon on r9k is happy > Feels happy for anon >No longer depressed >Thank you anon
Anonymous 04/09/18(Mon)10:38:54 No.44540287 > be middle school loner with no friends close to summer holidays > all students were told to read the book >having nothing better to do, read 45 KB JPG > because school is inviting the obscure author of the book s he was the guest speaker during assembly > principal asks the school about what we thought of his book and questions about it > quiet, awkward silence > people were muttering nobody read it > felt bad for the author > told the author I enjoyed it and answered the questions > one question after another, only I answered > author was happy that I knew about the details > school staff felt less embarassed > after assembly classmates started to make fun of me > called kiss ass and book worm etc. > got the nickname ass-worm for the rest of the middle school mfw made an obscure author proud of his work in exchange of my dignity in middle school
File: 14665298815420.jpg (19 KB, 640x480) Anonymous 04/04/18(Wed)20:58:42 No.764899807 >Be Me >Thirsty >Drink water >Thirsty no more >Thanks water

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Wholesome 4chan

Wholesome 4chan

Part of a series on 4chan. [View Related Entries]

Updated Oct 12, 2020 at 09:42AM EDT by shevyrolet.

Added May 08, 2018 at 01:01PM EDT by Adam.

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Wholesome 4chan refers to posts showing examples of 4chan users being helpful and friendly rather than crass or negative as per the site's reputation. In the late 2010s, a subreddit devoted to such posts helped spread examples of 4chan users being nice.


Due to 4chan's reputation as a mean-spirited site, examples of the site's users being nice have been singled out for over a decade. One of the earliest known posts to feature "wholesome 4chan" users is a Demotivational Poster showing a July 30th, 2007 interaction in which users compliment another after he requested he be roasted (shown below).

Fle 1185800966 ipg-(70 KB, 640x480, DSCO0392 jpg □ 07/30OT(Mon)09:09:26 No.34446488 What do you think of me? SHOW ME YOUR WORST!!! >> □ 073007(Mon)09:09:53 No.34446510 ー You look like you are enjoying your noodles. Have a good day, kind Asian sir >> □ 0730 07alo)09: 10:19 No.34446531 You loode nise >> □ 07/30 07alo)09:10:49 No. 3 444 65 59 You're a wonderful person >>ロ073007(Mon)09:11:08 No. 3444 6582 your handsome <3 >> □ 07/30。7(Mon)09:11:14 No.344465S9 you are quite attractive. >> D 07 /30 07(Mon)091 227 No. 34446675 Fle 1185801189 ing-(142 KB, 736x736, 11853038S6019 jpg) We ne nnch nicer thmpeeplesy 4CHAN The Internet Love Machine.


The trend of celebrating wholesome 4chan posts started seeing more spread in the late 2010s with the creation of subreddits such as /r/wholesomegreentext[4] (over 37,000 subscribers) and /r/Wholesome4chan (over 17,000 subsribers). Posts from these subreddits led to the creation of articles such as College Humor's "10 Times 4chan Was Surprisingly Wholesome"[5] and Dorkly's "8 More Times 4chan Proved it Had an Inspirational Side."[6]


/r/Wholesome4chan was created January 24th, 2017 by Redditor awkwardtheturtle.[1] The subreddit's members post screenshots of interactions and posts on 4chan that are generally positive, or wholesome. As of May 8th, 2018, there are 19 moderators of the subreddit. The top posts in the subreddit include a post titled "Anons decide the fate of kittens,"[2] which gained over 2,000 points (shown below, left), and "Anon hugs his wife,"[3] which gained over 1,700 points (shown below, right).

08/08/14(Fri)00:4242 No.561136260 upon returning from my holidaysI have acquired 4 stray kittens. as always 69 decides what I do wth thenm 104 MB JPG OP delivers 08/08/14(Fri)00:47 28 No.561136661 Make paperhats for each of them 08/08/14(Fri)00:56:52 No.561137482 im doing this as we speak 08/08/14(Fri)00:56 43 No.561137469 love them forever 08/08/14(Fri)0102:13 No.561137968 I shall love them forever 927 KB JPG 08/08/14(Fri)01:04:12 No.561138147 f------ best appreciate how hard it is to get 4 kittens to wear paper hats. Anonymous (ID: eQot91c+) 05/01/13(Wed)18:34:43 No.477045509 File: 1367447683568.ipg-(9 KB, 480x360, yui.jpg) >be me sbe 16 >be a total beta have few friends nothing special >total weaboo >be doing duke of edinburgh award >for the volunteering decide to help a paralyzed girl and her mum >her dad was fighting over seas at the time >first day listen to the mum about what ill be doing idgf >meet gir 1010 >DAYUM.jpeg >say hello how are you the usual s--- get started helping the mum cook me and her get talking about her daughter >ask what she does all day She just lies in bed watching tv. -feels bad man >dont think much other of it though >go in to take her food and to her feed her etc >SHE'S WATCHING DEATH NOTE swe start talking like crazy sdiscuss other anime >become friends quickly >keep up DoE award keep talking to her >become very good friends >DoE ends >keep on visiting her after school go out with her,with her in a wheel chair >go to park and stuff -she's never been outside for a prolonged amount of time >start dating kind of >keep on visiting and helping out swatch anime together for a couple of weeks >get onto angel beats -episode ten -find out Yui was paralyzed keep quiet >marriage proposal scene engageoverfeel.png >10/10 girl asks if i would like her more if she could move -tears rolling down face throw my arms around her softly say you are perfect the way you are, dont ever change that was the first time i ever hugged my wife

Other popular posts include an edit which featured an anon inviting /b/ to roast him but the anons said he looked good (shown below, left) and a post where users celebrate with an anon who goes on a job interview and gets the job (shown below, right).

File: IMG 20170422 210849204 jpg (1.3 MB, 1944x2592) Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)21:12 43 No.730172400 Reply] Roast me /b/ Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)21:13:53 No.730172492 730172400 (OP) Nah, you look like a good mate Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)21:14 42 No.730172565 You seem pretty alright to me Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)21:15:01 No.730172599 yeah sorry no roasting today File: 1508636179380.j2g (8 KB, 249x230) OAnonymous (ID: ZGOMkuP 05/05/18(Sat)09:47:26 No.5017331 [Replyl Well, I have a job interview in an hour 12 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view. >> O Anonymous (ID: ARM)雪05/05/18(Sat) 1 1 : 1 1 :55 No. 501 8358 File: F9746582-EBAC-45A9-8358-Dpng (151 KB, 724x1023) Good luck friend! Anonymous (ID: zM05/05/18(Sat)13:11:13 No.5019086225019089 File: 1479303728734.png (122 KB, 1328x764) job is mine frens Anonymous (ID: ZObyzzGa05/05/18(Sat)13:11:35 No.5019089 >5019086 YAAAAAAAAY! Great job anon!

Various Examples

: Anonymous 09/14/16(Wed)19:11:11 No.703940657 >be me recently moved because of jolb opportunity, no gf, no friends in town severy friday, order a pizza from local pizzahut 21 KB JPG >give delivery guy a different challenge" every time they bring a pizza, with a large tip as a reward if they complete it always make them america-related start easy. draw an american flag for 5$ slowly make them more and more challenging, increasing reward as time goes on "recite the preamble for 20$ s"tell me your personal opinion on the 2nd amendment for 10$ etc etc this goes on for a few months until pretty much every employee in the resturaunt that has done a delivery has at least attempted one of my challenges >yesterday, get in pretty bad car accident swake up in hospital today. told by nurse that a few people came by to visit, mainly coworkers from job -some of them left a pizza smfw there's a pizza on a table in the room of the same type that i always get >mfw it's got an american flag on it and a "get well soon" card with signatures from the entire restaurant staff File: J4qXoO6.jpg (20 KB, 300x300) Happy feels thread Happy Anonymous 04/11/18(Wed)16:02:07 No.44612105 >Be me today Walking home >See that grapes are cheap >Buy grapes Eat grapes while walking >Be me, satisfied 1 replies omitted. Click here to view Anonymous 04/11/18(Wed)16:05:19 No.44612177 44612105 >listen to music >i like music it's good music >thank you music Anonymous 04/11/18(Wed)16:06:10 No.44612204 44612105 Imagine being this easy to satisfy 92 Anonymous 04/11/18(Wed)16:06:55 No.44612223 >be me depressed the whole day > Sees anon on r9k is happy > Feels happy for anon >No longer depressed >Thank you anon Anonymous 04/09/18(Mon)10:38:54 No.44540287 > be middle school loner with no friends close to summer holidays > all students were told to read the book >having nothing better to do, read 45 KB JPG > because school is inviting the obscure author of the book s he was the guest speaker during assembly > principal asks the school about what we thought of his book and questions about it > quiet, awkward silence > people were muttering nobody read it > felt bad for the author > told the author I enjoyed it and answered the questions > one question after another, only I answered > author was happy that I knew about the details > school staff felt less embarassed > after assembly classmates started to make fun of me > called kiss ass and book worm etc. > got the nickname ass-worm for the rest of the middle school mfw made an obscure author proud of his work in exchange of my dignity in middle school File: 14665298815420.jpg (19 KB, 640x480) Anonymous 04/04/18(Wed)20:58:42 No.764899807 >Be Me >Thirsty >Drink water >Thirsty no more >Thanks water HAPPY BIRTHDAY FoR YESTERDAY ANON! I HOPE YOUL INJURIES AET POSTING ALONG SIPE yOU IN THE Futune Lov6, ANON

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The fun times are over though. People believe being cynical and edgy is the hip and cool way to browse on 4chan, the only reason 4chan hasn't died yet is because it's deeply entrenched into the internet culture as an unique site where you can communicate anonymously. The moderators are retards that are too busy jacking off to lolis on /a/ to actually moderate the rest of the site, so they need at least a hundred jannies to do their job but with none of the benefits other than "you're doing our work, you should feel proud". The only times the staff have actually followed suggestions instead of redirecting people to the landfill that is the feedback section, they were retarded or broke the site, such as removing (you)s, thus making it much harder for people to track the replies for their posts, or being able to make threads without posting images, which broke the site


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