Boat Gets Stuck In Suez Canal Again, But It Was Quickly Refloated

Published September 09, 2021

Published September 09, 2021

A boat in the Suez canal narrowly avoided becoming the meme story of the day after getting stuck, but unlike the Ever Given, was refloated in a timely manner.

The 738 feet long and 104 feet wide Coral Crystal was lodged 54 km into the canal, suspending traffic in its lane and caused four boats to be diverted. It was almost a repeat of the infamous Suez Canal Jam from earlier this year, which suspended Suez Canal traffic for a week, costing companies billions of dollars.

What was surely a relief for the ship's crew and canal officials was a disappointment for memers across social media, who were ready to fire away Canal Blockage 2.0 memes before the jam was successfully and uneventfully resolved.

The canal authority is reportedly working on a multi-million dollar project to improve the canal so that blockages like this and the Ever Given jam don't happen in the future.

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