Breaking News: Child Really Likes Corn In Latest Wholesome Viral Video

Published August 05, 2022

Published August 05, 2022

Right now, many are thinking the Alex Jones defamation trial reaching its climax and the merger of HBO Max and Discovery+ threatening to delete entire films and television shows out of existence are the most important things happening on the internet, but in the eyes of others, those stories are small potatoes compared to this viral video of a small child who really likes corn. Observe:

Now that you've seen it for yourself, perhaps you understand the perceived importance of the wholesome clip. The child, filmed by the YouTube channel Recess Therapy, had a lot to say about his favorite vegetable in the recent interview.

In the clip, he first explains that once he was told corn was real, he was delighted to learn that it tasted good. But his appreciation reached new heights when he tried corn with butter.

"I can't imagine a more beautiful thing," he plainly said upon learning of the iconic food combination. In an attempt to describe corn to a corn newbie, his message is simple, "It's a big lump with knobs. It has the juice." The juice, he explains, is the part that makes him mostly like the corn.

As the thrilling conversation comes to an end, our hero wishes everyone a "Corntastic Day," much to the delight of the interviewer and the adult with the small child.

Once the stellar video was reposted by the TikTok account @doingthings, it was off to viral success, racking up millions of views and likes there and additional millions on Twitter as it's spread in recent days.

The video led multiple Twitter users to announce that they were now "sobbing," "ovulating" or had "died" altogether.

Now that you too have witnessed the viral video, may your weekend be corntastic as well.

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