Actor Chris Evans, perhaps best known for his role as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, knocked an opportunity to be extremely wholesome and awesome out of the park on Wednesday when he delivered a message to a 6-year-old boy and Captain America superfan who recently saved his sister from a dog attack.
On July 12th, Wyoming resident Nicole Noel Walker shared a story about how her nephew Bridger saved his little sister from a dog attack. The attack left Bridger with stitches and a beat up face, but according to Walker, Bridger felt, "If someone had to die, I thought it should be me."
The story went viral and caught the attention of's Brandon Davis, who tweeted that he was able to get Chris Evans to record a video for Bridger. The result is tremendously wholesome, as Evans sincerely thanks Bridger, decked in his Captain America costume, for his heroism. "I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of this over the last couple of days, but let me be the next one to tell you: Pal, you’re a hero. What you did was so brave, so selfless. Your sister is so lucky to have you as a big brother. Your parents must be so proud of you! I’m going to track down your address, and I’m going to send you an authentic Captain America shield, because pal, you deserve it."
Bridger, 6 years old, saved his little sister from an attacking dog. He knew he would get hurt, but he did it anyway. He’s a hero.
So, we made this happen. One of the most fulfilling things, ever, huge thanks to Chris Evans.
Bridger, being six years old, doesn't seem like he quite understands the gravity of what's happening in front of him, but he will have the video--and a cool piece of Captain America merch-- to remind him of his heroism for years to come.
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