Disney's New Star Wars LARPing Hotel Inspires Memes And Mockery As People Express Their Disappointment With The Décor

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

Disney World's new immersive Star Wars themed hotel, which offers a two-day live roleplay Star Wars experience for $5,000 a night, officially opened today and the internet was equal parts amused and aghast.

The hotel is called the Halcyon, and in the world of the roleplay game that takes place there, it is supposed to be a luxury spaceship. Initial reviews of the hotel, however, pointed out the lack of windows, the cramped quarters, and the roleplaying game’s overreliance on a smartphone app. Twitter had plenty to say about all of that.

Some users were struck by the high cost of a stay at the hotel and the overall bizarreness of its vibes, especially with what many considered to be lackluster accommodations given the price.

Others fantasized about what they would like to do in the Star Wars hotel when not participating in the storylines of the two-day live theater experience that's available to guests.

What the Star Wars hotel represents for the culture was debated as well. Some seemed to see it as an example of inequality, of rich people rehearsing the sort of space bunker lifestyle that the wealthiest in our society would purportedly resort to in case of an apocalypse of some sort.

The Star Wars hotel offers those who can pay the possibility of opting out of reality for two days, while the movies themselves offer the same possibility for two hours. Twitter’s reaction to that prospect was mixed, and the discourse zigged and zagged throughout the day, apparently becoming (like many other viral memes of the past) a persistent and unavoidable subject on the feeds of many users.

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