Eagle-Eyed 'Rainbow Six Siege' Fans Spot A Dev With A Minuscule, Shadman-Drawn Profile Pic In Official Dev Diary Presentation

Published November 14, 2023

Published November 14, 2023

For a certain subset of internet users, the controversial adult content artist Shadman is so triggering that even the faintest hint of his work is enough to send them into a meme-filled tizzy. That is currently happening in the Rainbow Six Siege community after users saw a Shadman piece in the game's latest Dev Diary video.

Here's the moment from the video in question:

If you didn't catch the offending Shadman piece in the above clip, that's because it is hidden way up toward the top of the screen, takes up just a few pixels and is behind a semi-opaque black bar. The piece is purportedly one of the developer's profile pictures on their account.

The Shadman art pointed out.

The piece is of Valkyrie, an operator in Rainbow Six Siege.

Who the developer is or why they had a Shadman piece as their profile pic are unclear, as Ubisoft has not commented on the matter, but the very faint outline of Shadman's work in an official Ubisoft presentation was enough to have the Rainbow Six community howling with laughter and posting memes about it.

/r/DankMemes post about the Shadman controversy.

This is, apparently, not the first time developers at Ubisoft have seemingly expressed their appreciation for Shadman's work either.

In 2017, Shadman posted (SFW) art of the Rainbow Six character Ela, and it was featured on one of the dev's Twitter pages (it's unknown if it's the same developer).

It's also worth noting that Shadman has become even more controversial in recent years following a 2021 arrest for assault with a deadly weapon.

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