Felicity Huffman Gets 14 Days In Jail For Role In "Operation Varsity Blues"

Earlier today, actress Felicity Huffman was sentenced to 14 days in prison for her role in Operation Varsity Blues, a scandal in which it was discovered that Huffman and several others, including actress Lori Loughlin, had bribed schools and manipulated their children's academic records to help them get into college.
Though Huffman faced a maximum of 20 years in prison, prosecutors had recommended a month of jail time. Judge Indira Talwani said the light sentence, which included a $30,000 fine, 250 hours of community service, and supervised release for one year, was given due to "the fact that the testing services involved in the SAT score-rigging suffered no 'measurable loss' or 'pecuniary harm,' Huffman had no previous criminal history, and that she accepted responsibility and admitted guilt." Huffman pleaded guilty to her crimes in May.
Twitter were not satisfied with the sentence, saying the two-week sentence reeked of privilege, especially after comparing the sentence those given to people of color for similar crimes.
Institutionalized racism working as designed.
Felicity Huffman sentenced to 2 weeks in jail for paying $15,000 to rig her daughter’s SAT.
Tanya McDowell, a Black woman who was homeless, sentenced to 12 years for sending her child to school in Norwalk, but ‘lived’ in Bridgeport.— Uché Blackstock, MD (@dr_uche_bee) September 13, 2019
Felicity Huffman gets 14 days in jail for felony bribery and conspiracy to commit fraud.
Henry Blodget gets zero jail time after scamming people and now makes millions through Business Insider.
More than 70 people of color are in prison for life for non-violent weed crimes.— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) September 13, 2019
Brooke Richardson, murdered her newborn & buried it in the backyard: ACQUITTED
Felicity Huffman, paid money to a fake charity to facilitate cheating on SATs to get her daughter into college: 14 DAYS
Crystal Mason, voted (didn’t know felons were ineligible): 5 YEARS
America pic.twitter.com/lBJH8HuGpQ— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) September 13, 2019
Huffman is the first of 34 defendants to be sentenced as part of the sting. Lori Loughlin pleaded not guilty in April and plans to take the charges to trial.
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