Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin In Trouble For Being ‘Too Cool And Hot’

Published August 18, 2022

Published August 18, 2022

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, one of the world’s youngest leaders at 36 years old, has come under fire from some after footage of her dancing and partying with friends hit the internet in a viral video.

The Social Democratic Party leader and Prime Minister has been criticized for her partying ways in the past, most notably during the coronavirus pandemic when she went out to dance and reportedly forgot her work phone, missing a text that told her she should self-isolate after being exposed in December 2021.

The latest videos drawing ire from some show the PM singing, dancing and hanging out with her friends. Apparently, at one point somebody shouts out a Finnish euphemism for cocaine, although some speculate it may have actually been the name of a form of Finnish brandy that sounds similar.

Marin has denied using any drug other than alcohol, although she confessed to being “boisterous.” Opposition leaders have called for her to take a drug test, which she agreed to do, saying she has nothing to hide.

The Prime Minister is known for her cool and hip lifestyle, often partying with Finnish celebrities. Among the friends featured in the leaked videos are Finnish pop stars, a famous rapper, an Instagram influencer, a cable news commentator, a radio host and members of Marin’s party in parliament. The Prime Minister and the Instagram influencer Janita Autio have been photographed together several times in the past, notably at a music festival.

Many speculated that the release of the videos (and the online attacks accompanying them) were arranged by Russia as a response to Finland joining NATO. Marin was instrumental in bringing her country into the alliance.

Marin also made the decision to significantly cut back on the number of visas Finland gives out to Russian citizens, and encouraged other European countries where powerful Russians like to vacation to do the same.

Some argued Marin’s partying is bad for Finland’s international reputation, to which many replied that a partying Prime Minister might actually be good publicity for the Scandinavian nation, which does indeed exist.

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