Gal Gadot Regrets Infamous 'Imagine' Video 'Didn't Transcend'

Published October 14, 2020

Published October 14, 2020

It's been seven months since Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot kicked off the COVID-19 pandemic by singing John Lennon's "Imagine" along with various other celebrities, which set the tone for how celebrities across the world would repeatedly draw criticism for being tone-deaf during the first few months of the pandemic.

In the November issue of Vanity Fair, Gadot finally addressed the video and the massive backlash it received.

"Sometimes, you know, you try and do a good deed and it’s just not the right good deed," she said, seeming to take the whole thing in good humor. "I had nothing but good intentions and it came from the best place, and I just wanted to send light and love to the world."

She also elaborated on how the video came to be, lamenting how the celebrity-driven project failed to "transcend."

"I started with a few friends, and then I spoke to Kristen [Wiig]," she said. "Kristen is like the mayor of Hollywood. Everyone loves her, and she brought a bunch of people to the game. But yeah, I started it, and I can only say that I meant to do something good and pure, and it didn’t transcend."

The video has long since left the forefront of the internet's consciousness, but occasionally echoes of it stir the mind, like a "fever dream," as one Twitter user put it.

Gadot is currently facing new backlash for being cast as Cleopatra in an upcoming biopic, despite not being of African heritage.

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