Harry Styles Responds To Candace Owens: "Bring Back Manly Men"

Published December 02, 2020

Published December 02, 2020

If you remember last month, which was, and I say this truthfully, only three days ago, you might remember a period between the presidential election and the coronavirus spike when Candace Owens was chastising pop-star Harry Styles for wearing a dress on the cover of Vogue. "Bring back manly men," she tweeted to the heavens, summoning the likes of Ben Shapiro and other conservative pundits to criticize Styles. The whole thing was just the sort of distraction no one needed at the time, re-litigating the same conversation everyone has whenever a male pop star wears a dress, which, in the history of pop music and society as a whole, is quite common.

Of course, for many online, the Owens' statements weren't just a criticism of Styles, but rather the idea of shifting masculinity, one that defines itself by fluidity instead of the rigidity of traditional norms. So Owens' tweet became a snowclone hurled around Twitter with pictures of men being men in dresses, bathrobes and being Ninja Turles characters.

It took two weeks—which again, in 2020 means anywhere between two seconds and two years—but Harry Styles finally responded. In a post on Instagram, the former One Direction star, donning a powder blue, ruffled suit and munching on a banana, pleaded, "Bring back manly men."

The Styles-hive liked that. Since his post, fans have shared memes, expressions of support and jokes about Owens being obsessed with Harry. Aren't we all?

However, in a tweet that says, "I'm probably going to continue this conversation," Owens responded by posting a picture of Styles in the World War II drama Dunkirk. Got him? Until next time, then.

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