John Fetterman Responds To Senate Resolution On Dress Code With 'Kevin James Smirking' Meme

September 28th, 2023 - 3:53 PM EDT by Adam Downer

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The official response from Senator John Fetterman, which included the recently viral Kevin James Smirk meme.

It has been an improbably good week for memes and politics, as just one week after The White House posted a "Worst Person You Know Made A Great Point" meme on Twitter, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman arguably outdid the White House's social media team with a highly cheeky use of the more current Kevin James Smirking meme.

Over the past few weeks, some politicians and pundits have been in a bit of a tizzy over Fetterman showing up to work in his usual hoodie and shorts. There was technically no rule against this, but Senators have traditionally worn formal wear to the Senate floor.

Yesterday, the Senate unanimously passed a dress code requiring men of the Senate to "wear a coat, tie and slacks or other long pants." In response, Fetterman blasted out a press release that consisted entirely of the Kevin James smirk.

John Fetterman's Kevin James meme.

Though Fetterman was the cause of much fretting in the Senate and the ultimate introduction of a resolution, led by Mitt Romney, he didn't seem particularly wedded to his outfit, saying last week, "If those jagoffs in the House stop trying to shut our government down, and fully support Ukraine, then I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week." He also voted in favor of the dress code resolution.

Still, many in the political corner of the internet were stunned by Fetterman's meme usage, which showed off his characteristically flippant attitude towards what he deems are not serious issues in Congress.

Commentary on Fetterman's memeing. Joke about big funny guy representation.

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