Lamar Roasts Franklin Again In A New 'GTA Online' Mission

Rockstar added a reference to the classic Grand Theft Auto V Lamar Roasts Franklin dialogue in a new GTA Online mission, with Franklin getting mercilessly roasted by his friend Lamar (voiced by Slink Johnson) yet again.
At the end of the new "Short Trip (Part 2) – Fire It Up" mission in GTA:O, Lamar and Franklin arrive at Franklin's Vinewood house, where Lamar, just like the last time, asks to come in, and, also just like the last time, gets denied by Franklin. This leads to Lamar thoroughly roasting his friend and partner-in-crime, only this time over him acting too uptight rather than having a bad haircut.

- Eh, wassup, can a loc come up in your crib?
- Man, f*** you, man, my kids up in there. I don't want you ass up in my house, n****!
- Oh, n****, don't hate me cause your kids love me more than they love you. Maybe if you quit being so uptight and let uncle Lamar give them some game, you'll have some harmony in your household. Nah, I just wanted to get in a hot tub, but now I don't wanna get in no funky-ass cum bucket. N****, f*** around and get pink eye. 'Cause you's a dirtyu-asss bea-I-zee-itch.
- What?
Lamar Roasts Franklin dialogue went viral in December 2020 after users started replacing Lamar with various characters in the cutscene. Actors Slink Johnson and Shawn Forento, who voice Lamar and Franklin in the game, even played out an IRL version of the meme.
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