New German Burger King Menu Features Strange Memeworthy Sandwiches With Bananas, Olives, Fish And Ice Cream

Published May 16, 2022

Published May 16, 2022

Burger King's chain of Germany locations has unveiled a new menu of sandwiches that are objectively gross, at least in the eyes of American Twitter users. The burgers feature odd ingredients like whole fish, ice cream, bananas and olives, just to name a few.

However, is the menu real? That's what most people seem to be questioning.

Although the buzz surrounding the decadent burgers only started over the weekend, the new menu was actually unveiled in late April as part of a Mother's Day promotion for Burger King Germany. The theme of the sandwiches, as written on their website, was "Pregnancy Whoppers," designed to fulfill the cravings of pregnant mothers that oftentimes are weird and irrational.

Among the list of burgers were the Spiegelei & Banane, Currywurst & Brathering, Vanilleeise & Oliven and the Erdbeereis & Pommes, among other weird combos. Burger King Germany also published a YouTube video for the promotion, which has received over 17,000 views so far.

Yesterday, screenshots of the promotional menu reached American Twitter circles, inspiring shock value and confused tummies. Americans and other users of different nationalities collectively shook their heads at the imagery, thinking differently of German cuisine and posting memes about it.

It doesn't seem, however, that the sandwiches were actually made in German Burger Kings. In fact, it seems to be a success in viral marketing. No matter, it shows just how forward-thinking the aesthetics of Epic Meal Time really were.

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