Occupy Democrats Founder Defends Against Allegations Of Fraud By Insisting That Making 'Viral Memes' Takes 'Time And Effort'

Those in the political arena of the internet in recent years have likely come across Occupy Democrats, a liberal-leaning page focused on posting graphics and tweets designed to get Debra Messing to click "retweet." Its posts are often sensationalized takes on recent events along with a message supporting Democratic politicians or ideas and an ending that reads "RT IF YOU AGREE!"
BREAKING: Shocking footage leaks showing Donald Trump’s minion Roger Stone saying “fuck voting, let’s get right to the violence” ahead of the 2020 election -- clearly he got his deadly wish on Jan. 6th. RT IF YOU THINK THAT HE MUST HE LOCKED UP FOR GOOD!
— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) September 27, 2022
Few would argue that the Occupy Democrats playbook once ran by the Krassenstein Brothers is all that complicated, but one person who would is apparently the page's founder, Omar Rivero.
On Sunday, Twitter user @H_MitchellPhoto discovered some allegedly shady goings-on at Occupy Democrats, writing that it had raised over $797,000 between 2021 and 2022 but donated none of that to political candidates. Instead, the vast majority went to "fundraising consultants." Furthermore, $250,000 of those dollars allegedly went to a company that Omar and his brother Rafael own called "Blue Deal LLC," which bills itself as a "woman-owned" company.
The ‘Occupy Democrats Election Fund’ PAC’, run by Omar Rivero, raised $797K from 2021-2022.
They contributed $0 to federal candidates.
And they spent $577k on ‘Fundraising Consultants’.
WouldOccupyDemocrats</a> & <a href="https://twitter.com/OmarRiverosays?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">
OmarRiverosays care to explain? pic.twitter.com/LPoj1ZFbIx— Hamish Mitchell (@H_MitchellPhoto) September 25, 2022
The Occupy Democrats Election Fund PAC, run by Omar Rivero, gave $250,000 to a ‘fundraising consultant’ called Blue Deal LLC.
Turns out, Blue Deal LLC is registered to Omar & his brother.
But they sell merchandise?… and they’re ‘women-owned’?
Care to explain, Omar? pic.twitter.com/CGTe3EtIgM— Hamish Mitchell (@H_MitchellPhoto) September 27, 2022
These tweets imply a serious allegation of fraud on behalf of Occupy Democrats if confirmed, though Rivero has insisted there's nothing untoward about his organization accepting donations to boost Democratic candidates and not donating to Democratic candidates. He claimed (and deleted) that because Occupy Democrats is a Super PAC, it is not allowed to donate to political candidates.
And this one: pic.twitter.com/xvAcVhhqIx
— ✨🖤💫 𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙚𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡 ✨🖤💫 (@GirlJustice_) September 27, 2022
This is not entirely accurate, according to Open Secrets, which describes Occupy Democrats as a "Carey Committee," meaning, "a hybrid political action committee that is not affiliated with a candidate and has the ability to operate both as a traditional PAC, contributing funds to a candidate's committee, and as a super PAC, which makes independent expenditures. To do so, Carey committees must have a separate bank account for each purpose." In essence, Occupy Democrats could contribute to a political candidate from a separate bank account, if it so desired.
The most humorous part of the unfolding drama, however, came when Rivero, evidently displeased with the flack his organization was getting, snapped back at a critic with, "If you understood the time and effort that goes into making viral memes — and the impact they have — you may respect our work more." The now-deleted tweet was screenshot by @shoe0nhead.
the dudes who run @OccupyDemocrats are under fire right now for allegedly pocketing PAC funds and i'm screaming at the owners (now deleted) response pic.twitter.com/dO7cah9whF
— shoe (@shoe0nhead) September 26, 2022
To some, this read like an admission that Rivero and his employees were defrauding donors and living off their donations to "make memes" and shared that sensationalized take on the story with the general tenor of an Occupy Democrats post, asking its followers to "RT IF YOU AGREE!"
This is actually really bad…. RT IF YOU THINK OCCUPY DEMOCRATS ARE FRAUDS https://t.co/aeuRIelqmJ
— Tammy Baldwin Fan (@TammyBaldwinner) September 27, 2022
OccupyDemocrats</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/OmarRiverosays?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">
OmarRiverosays paid themselves 800k a year to make memes https://t.co/D1acQYdz4B— Alex (@Admiral_Al3x) September 27, 2022
An updated inventory shows this account is a fraud. RT IF YOU AGREE!!!https://t.co/hNkSbegxIK
— Kenneth Webb (@ktwebb2) September 27, 2022
While Rivero has attempted to quash the growing controversy on Twitter, it seems many are not satisfied with his explanation, and he may be forced to make a more formal statement. Until then, it might be wise to not SHARE IF YOU AGREE with the memes posted by Occupy Democrats.
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