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Pornhub Releases Its Video Game Search Statistics For Folks Of Culture To Analyze

Pornhub Releases Its Video Game Search Statistics For Folks Of Culture To Analyze
Pornhub Releases Its Video Game Search Statistics For Folks Of Culture To Analyze

Published December 16, 2022

Published December 16, 2022

As we sit back and reflect on our mistakes heading into a new year, Pornhub has just provided a means for us all to do just that, releasing its statistics for the most searched video games on the platform (and don't worry, that link is SFW).

pornhub most searched video games 2022

As noted by Pornhubs data analysts, several games saw hard, rising interest in 2022, with Summertime Saga, Cyberpunk 2077, Valorant and Cuphead making large leaps up the chart, while Among Us' popularity limply fell 10 slots.

Fortnite maintained its dominance at No. 1, while Overwatch, Genshin Impact, Pokémon and Minecraft rounded out the top 5.

While Minecraft's inclusion surprised some commentators, folks of culture know that Minecraft's popularity on Pornhub is largely thanks to the NSFW Jenny Mod that turns the game into a highly salacious bartering simulator.

Indeed, Jenny is the No. 2 most searched video game character on Pornhub of the year, slotting in right behind D.Va in Overwatch.

most searched video game characters pornhub

Most of the characters rounding out Pornhub's list should come as no shock to connoisseurs of high art. Overwatch, Genshin, Fortnite and League characters comprise a vast majority of the list, while two women from Resident Evil place respectably and Final Fantasy's Tifa makes an appearance, likely due to her brief viral moment earlier in the year.

Lastly, Pornhub reports that the overwhelming majority of users who visit their website through a gaming console are PlayStation players, who make up nearly 75 percent of gamers using their devices to visit Pornhub. Xbox comes in a distant second, but we'd like to highlight the 1.6 percent of users utilizing their Wii Us, 3DSes and PS Vitas to access Pornhub. We like to imagine these folks are pioneers circumventing strict internet usage on household desktops to access the content they want. Godspeed, gamers.

video game console data pornhub 2022

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