Scott Adams Has A Controversial Take On The Texas School Shooting, Wondering Aloud, 'What If Kids Could Kill Their Bullies?'

Published May 27, 2022

Published May 27, 2022

As the United States mourns the massacre at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas and grows increasingly angry at the local police officers who reportedly failed to help the kids inside despite their calls to 911, commentators (many prominent Republicans) have frustrated political opponents by floating solutions to help avoid school shootings in the future, such as homeschooling kids and remodeling schools so that they have one door.

Yesterday, Dilbert creator and TCOT Scott Adams entered the conversation, voicing the idea that these problems could be averted if we allowed "kids to kill their bullies."

"If we made it legal for kids to kill their bullies, a lot of problems would go away," Adams tweeted. "We'd create new problems, sure. But how could those new problems be worse? This is a thought experiment, not a recommendation."

This "thought experiment" put forward by Adams, who is no stranger to posting some truly wild things to Twitter, was certainly a bold suggestion in the eyes of many. It is unclear how exactly Adams theorized letting kids murder their bullies would prevent a school shooting, but few seemed willing to entertain his "let kids murder each other" solution to the problem of school shootings.

Some more charitable folks decided to play out the ramifications of Adams' hot take and quickly concluded that letting kids murder each other would be very bad.

As the inevitable dogpile fell on Adams and his controversial tweet, he played it off as though the backlash against him were merely proving his point against bullies.

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