'Smash Bros.' Community Rallies Around Critic's Description Of It As A 'Radical Transgender Supremacist Group'

Published June 26, 2023

Published June 26, 2023

The Super Smash Brothers community has attracted quite a few negative stereotypes over the years – some amusing, others gravely serious – but a surprising new one hit Twitter earlier this month, much to many Smashers' delight.

On June 1st, Twitter user @ItsDaltonAF complained that the general esports community was too left-leaning for their liking, complaining that players who are "not vaccinated, refuse masks, believe in God, know that there is only two genders" [sic] are "globally banned" from competitive play. They then said that the Super Smash Brothers community in particular is a "radical transgender supremacist group."

itsdaltonaf twitter

As noted by many, there are some issues with ItsDaltonAF's take on esports. Most of the bans handed to players in League of Legends, for example, have been due to cheating and match-fixing, not the players' conservative beliefs.

While there is no official list of banned Smash Brothers Players, many notable banned players, including ZeRo and Nairo, have been banned for scandals related to sexual misconduct allegations.

Dalton does mention a ban against minor Smash player DaShizWiz for posting a video railing against "women who believe they are men," which many in the scene viewed as transphobic.

That being said, many did not argue with the take itself and instead focused on the "radical transgender supremacist group" moniker ItsDaltonAF ascribed to the Smash community, posting memes and expressing how they appreciated the label.

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Others pointed out that the description hardly fits the Smash scene as a whole. Some remembered the backlash to Isabelle main and trans woman Bocchi, who became a notable name after she defeated a heavily favored Snake main named Ally, who himself was later outed as an alleged sexual predator.

Almondapoc bocchi take

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