Supposedly 'Leaked' Script From 'Powerpuff Girls' Reboot Would Confirm Fans' Worst Fears If Its Real

Published May 25, 2021

Published May 25, 2021

We'll have to wait a little while longer to see the gritty, live-action Powerpuff Girls reboot that's been highly anticipated (and dreaded) by fans of the original animated series: yesterday, the CW announced their Fall 2021 lineup, and the scheduled pilot episode of the series didn't make the cut. According to Deadline, the series is going to be "repiloted," meaning rewritten and reshot. The main cast, writers and directors will remain attached to the project.

However, as the news spread, the script from the ditched pilot supposedly leaked online, and reading it, one can definitely see why it's getting retooled. In the eyes of essentially everyone who read it: it's awful.

The leak came from a ResetEra thread from a user named Kegels, who said, "If it's getting reworked I'll post the script so people can read what it was beforehand, I talked about what was happening in the draft I had before, it started interesting but kinda petered out imo." The original screenshots in the thread were deleted but started circulating around Twitter after they were posted by user @fawfulator.

The "leaked" script is chockfull of pop culture and sexual references. Hardly a page seems to go by without one of the titular trio having sex, talking about sex, or talking about sex in the past. There's a Harambe reference. There's also this incredible piece of dialogue:

leaked powerpuff girls script

Other plot points include the town of Townsville forming an Anti-Powerpuff Girls activist group and Professor Utonium being an opportunistic showbiz dad who micromanages the lives of his daughters. Mojo Jojo has been turned into two characters: Joseph "Mojo" Mondel and his son, Jojo, who becomes the youngest mayor in the history of Townsville but is losing his re-election bid to a black woman, causing him to complain about reverse racism.

leaked powerpuff girls script jojo

The thread angered Powerpuff Girls fans who were already extremely wary of the project.

As the CW has yet to comment on the alleged leak, there's no way to tell if the script was indeed the pilot before it was recalled for rewriting. It does, however, seem perfectly pitched to play to fans' worst fears of what the reboot will look like, leading some to think its a pretty successful trolling job.

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