'Zero Punctuation's' Yahtzee, Entire Video Staff Resign From 'The Escapist' Following Mass Firings

November 7th, 2023 - 5:03 AM EST by Sakshi Rakshale

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Nick Calandra posted yesterday that he had been fired from The Escapist, who now appears to have lost much of its well-known talent.

Legacy gaming website The Escapist has purportedly lost its entire video team, as well as key talent well-known to the brand for many years, after firing its editor-in-chief and various other employees. Notable among the resignees is the creator of Zero Punctuation a hit YouTube series created by Yahtzee Croshaw, arguably one of The Escapist's leading IPs.

The news broke yesterday afternoon with Editor-In-Chief Nick Calandra making a post on X / Twitter saying, "I was fired from The Escapist today. I have declined my severance pay and will not be signing an NDA."

He continues the thread by saying that he was "let go for "not achieving goals" that were "never properly set out," adding that he and his team have plans to continue working independently.

Other employees who were fired or resigned include contributors KC Nwosu, Will Cruz, Jesse Galena, Darren Mooney, Amy Campbell and Sebastian Ruiz, editors Parkes Harman and Jesse Schwab, and designer JM8.

Well-known creator Benjamin "Yahtzee" Croshaw announced his resignation from The Escapist last night as well, saying that he will no longer be making "Zero Punctuation" videos given that he doesn't own the rights to the show.

Nevertheless, Yahtzee assured his fans that he plans to continue working independently as well.

Zero Punctuation was The Escapist's most popular show, with many replies to Yahtzee's post jokingly asking, "Wait, The Escapist had other stuff?"

Nick Calandra issued a message on the Discord channel shared by Yahtzee, called "Escaped The Escapist," updating fans about the team's future plans following the mass exodus from the website.

Calandra states that Yahtzee and the video team resigned in solidarity with those fired, and assures fans that they plan to continue their work independently.

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Moby The Duck
Moby The Duck

"In capitalism, infinite money is not enough, there must also be infinite growth."

So, these corpos, on a cocaine induced epiphany, decided that the best course of action was to fire the guy that nearly single-handedly made the group rise from the ashes and make it start growing followers and income becauseā€¦ it wasn't growing followers and income fast enough.

Now I understand why suddenly every video had ads and why they started to paywall swears.

I guess that they didn't expect that if they removed the main supporting pillar of the page, the entire building would come down with it.


Man, all the new things they were doing (Cold Take, Design Delve, AiN, Stuff of Legends) seemed like the channel was going through a renaissance. All of this collapsing because Corpos gotta Corpo.
And before anyone else here links it, I might as well;


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