Todd Howard Finally Releases 'Starfield' Gameplay, Causing Both Optimism And Drama To Spread Online

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

Todd Howard did something that many thought to be impossible: he showed gameplay for a game that wasn't connected to either Elder Scrolls or Fallout; he released a video going more in-depth into the upcoming Starfield game that also included some gameplay footage. The reaction online was initially very positive, with people praising the game and its look, especially when talking about the space suits.

However, seeing how good the game looked made quite a number of people online mad. Not mad at Todd, or the company itself, but mad at Sony due to the Microsoft acquisition. Because of this merger, Starfield is designed to be a console exclusive to Microsoft systems, meaning that PlayStation 5 owners won't be able to touch the game. This intense anger was further focused once a report came out that at one point the Microsoft team had reached out to Sony about putting Xbox Gamepass on Sony consoles, which would have allowed Halo and other gems be allowed on the system, with the proposal allegedly being shot down by Sony.

However, despite the polish and shine, there is still a vocal contingent of gamers online who are being very cautious in regards to Starfield_, with their reasoning being based on previous games being absolutely buggy messes, with "_Fallout 76": being pointed to as the biggest piece of evidence for why not to buy into the hype.

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