Heroes Send Their Friends In Boot Camp Memes

Published July 20, 2017

Published July 20, 2017

Boot camp is hard. There's early mornings, intense physical challenges, and ornery drill sergeants. But the worst thing of all about boot camp: no memes (okay maybe not worst, but at least top 50).

In boot camp, the military takes away cell phones for the duration of the experience. That can leave soldiers-in-training without the sweet, dank memes that give the majority of us internet users the strength to get through The Days of Online.

Some intrepid Twitter users could not bear the thought of their friends in boot camp going without memes, and have decided to take action by sending their friends physical copies of memes through the mail. As our grandparents sent their loved ones overseas pictures of themselves to keep them warm in the cold reality of war, we send our loved ones the blinking guy.

Yesterday, Twitter Moments posted a compilation of tweets from people talking about the struggle of living in boot camp without memes, along with several people who shared photos of the printed tweets and memes they'd think their friends would enjoy. It's about as touching as a meme-centric human interest story gets: when faced with the possibility of not being able to send their friends links to funny shit, devoted friends and significant others have gone and shared memes the old-fashioned way.

While this is undoubtedly a heartwarming example of how the internet and memes really do bring people together in ways we often forget, it is difficult to not notice that many of the memes shared are decidedly Normie. Our advice: keep it up, great people of online, but send some Loss edits why don't you?

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