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Twitter Debates If Elon Musk Inadvertently Called For An Assassination Attempt On Joe Biden And Kamala Harris

Twitter Debates If Elon Musk Inadvertently Called For An Assassination Attempt On Joe Biden And Kamala Harris
Twitter Debates If Elon Musk Inadvertently Called For An Assassination Attempt On Joe Biden And Kamala Harris

Published September 16, 2024

Published September 16, 2024

In a diversion from debating whether or not Elon Musk is a white supremacist or if he threatened to sexually assault Taylor Swift last week, Twitter / X is now debating if the site's owner has called for an assassination attempt against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris with another apparent "joke" about current events that's sparked controversy online.

Elon Musk's assassination joke

Over the weekend, there was another assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life, which naturally caused discourse and jokes to appear on social media.

During this, Musk posted an observation that apparently "no one is even trying to assassinate Biden / Kamala." The tweet, which was a reply to someone asking, "Why they want to kill Donald Trump?" was punctuated by a thinking-face emoji.

While there have not been publicized attempts on the President and Vice President, many found the tweet tasteless at best and an incitement to assassination at worst.

Elon Musk's assassination subtweet A thoughtless tweet

Musk subsequently deleted the post after it received pushback yesterday. This morning, he seemed to imply the post was a joke that did well when he said it out loud but did not translate over text.

Elon Musk's lesson

This led people to recall a story about Musk firing a former Twitter executive ostensibly because the executive did not like one of Musk's jokes.

It is unknown if Musk will face any consequences for the tweet, but beyond his immediate response to the controversy surrounding it, no further comments have been made about it.

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