YouTuber Ludwig Swoops In To Save 'Smash' Scene With Tournament Announcement After 'World Tour Championships' Cancelation

Published December 02, 2022

Published December 02, 2022

After the shocking cancelation of Smash World Tour, the Super Smash Bros tournament scene was somewhat in shambles, with many prominent figures in the community swearing off going to tournaments again and calling out Nintendo and Panda based on their past reticence to support gaming tournaments making people think they were at fault.

If you're unfamiliar with the ongoing controversy, the drama began on Tuesday when the organizer Panda suddenly revealed that its upcoming world tour championship and the entirety of next year's world tour "must be canceled," unsurprisingly creating a storm of backlash as fans and players took to the web to express their anger.

With an official word from Nintendo, blame then shifted onto Panda, which has purportedly been an antagonist in the past when it came to community events that weren't directly supervised by the company.

After two days, Panda released an official statement earlier today, which the community did not feel was adequate in explaining the situation with the world tour and increased the backlash the company currently faces.

With much of the community down and out about this unfortunate turn of events, the YouTube gaming partner and multiple-time tournament organizer Ludwig Ahgren announced a surprise tournament to try and raise money for further tournaments in 2023.

Adding onto the event (dubbed "The Scuffed World Tour") is a $50,000 prize pool, as well as an offer to fly out top-level Smash players to be able to compete, marking yet another instance in a continuing trend where community-focused events are somewhat taking the place of official company ones.

Naturally with so much vitriol surrounding the scene, many in the Smash community responded positively to the news as word continues to spread.

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