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Dioxin Jimmy
Dioxin Jimmy

in reply to Carri₪n

The deletion of 30,000 emails on her personal, unprotected email server, containing classified information pertaining to national security.

Using a personal email address/server for sensitive information is damning enough as it is. Deleting it and then repeatedly lying about it is even worse.

She's looking at several thousand counts of treason.


in reply to Dioxin Jimmy

Not to mention that some of the documents she mishandled were classified as beyond Top Secret, to the point where not even members of Congress were allowed to view them.

Others have been convicted and imprisoned for far less. But not Hillary, because she's "too big to jail".

She is the living embodiment of the elitism and hypocrisy of the Washington cartel. Her horrible decisions and policies as Secretary of State have cost thousands of lives and helped pave the way for the rise of ISIS. Every place and every thing she's been involved with is the worse off for it.

Not to mention, she claims to be a champion for women's rights, while simultaneously accepting millions of dollars in "donations" from Middle Eastern regimes that treat women like livestock.

How any sane person could believe that she's qualified to be President is utterly beyond my comprehension. If a fraction of the allegations against her are true, she shouldn't be allowed to walk free, let alone be eligible for the most powerful position in the world.


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