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Overwatch - Hey Blizzard I have an idea for a Reaper skin by dat-soldier

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The Doom Slayer
The Doom Slayer

I would pay to see this. Then I'd pay double to have this!

We need skins of Reaper in ludicrous outfits. Seriously, we do. It would actually help make him a little more… human. By that, I mean… less of an edgy Deviant Art OC. I understand that Reaper is more or less made to mock those characters, but for the story's sake, seeing Reaper be more of a person would help. Because, as we all know, the average Edgy Overlord McDarkatron has the personality value of a splinter; all it can do is point at things menacingly and hurt them, but after a while you realize they're not that intimidating.

But Gabriel Reyes? He's still a person. I actually wanna see some other side of him. Something that hasn't been devoured by hate and vengeance. Maybe he had a cross dressing habit before Overwatch went down? Maybe he liked painting? Something to make him more relatable? At the least, the edge lords writing fanfiction might get a hint from it, and make their characters at least two dimensional, rather than 1D pieces of garbage.


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