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the world's best potato
the world's best potato

in reply to Darth Creep

I’m more of the mindset that SAO, is the amalgamation of everything wrong with anime (generic protagonist that is amazing at everything he does and everyone with a vagina wants to jump onto his pants, Has a somewhat interesting premisse even though all sense of tension goes out the window when it becomes a harem for no reason, almost as bland female characters that are only there for sex appeal, badly written vilains that make absolutely no sense, INCEST is treated like a normal thing, abundant fanservice that has no impact in the story and overall bad pacing and story structure)

I don’t really hate SAO by itself, i just hate the fact that many studios try to emulate it, and has a huge fan following even though it’s a really mediocre anime. while at the same time great stuff like Baccano and hunter x hunter get almost no attention, in places of [generic redhead tsundere falls in love with bland gary stu] #5718

You have the right to enjoy crappy anime, hell i like to watch mediocrity from time to time, just don’t neglect anime that really deserves being popular.

sorry for the long comment.


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