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Emperor Cooler
Emperor Cooler

in reply to Icecane

In defense…
Steven repeatedly told Jasper that he wasn't Rose and she didn't listen
Bismuth didn't listen to Rose the first time and got poofed, then because she learned nothing, the same thing happened with Steven.
With Eyeball… Well, you look at the context of the situation she and Steven were in… Eyeball's just an imbecile.

Now they're all paying for their ignorance, until the eventual redemption arc, which, upon release, we will all lose our minds.

Walrus the Tree
Walrus the Tree

I love villains who could have been heroes if you told the story from their perspective. Eyeball kinda fits that idea for me. I feel she could have had an awesome chronicle of her life from the day Pink Diamond was shattered fast forward to the day she met the "culprit". From an audience perspective, if it was established gems could change form (but no evidence they could become different people entirely), the scene where she's trapped with "Rose Quartz" would have felt like her moment, her chance to finally repay the favor. Only to get pushed out into space with no means of communication in a cliffhanger ending. Jasper's a bit harder to get behind as a misunderstood hero, though, what with her speeches about punishing the weak and all. Bismuth, while still a great villain with good intentions, would be kinda hard to get behind during her arc where she gets increasingly violent, while the moral center Rose keeps telling her to chill.


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