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I am AHO Right?
I am AHO Right?

"I'm the best Hanzo, believe me. I get PotG all the time! Sometimes without even using my ult!"
"The Reaper players, they're constantly going Reaper, 2, 3 Reapers at a time. On defense even! They're roleplaying edgelords, they're tryhards, they're newbs, and some of them, I assume, are decent additions to the team comp."
"Some new voicelines that Sombra released show Hillary Clinton calling half of my supporters 'deplorable Bastion mains and irredeemable Genji picks'. Typical politician talk. As if Bastions aren't the Last Bastions of freedom for this once-great country!"
"I have great respect for the leaders of Volskaya. They know the threat and call it by its name, however un-personal computer, or 'PC', it might be. Radical. Omnic. Crisis. That's what it is, folks!" hand accordian emote
"I will be the greatest K/D ratio 76 the world has ever seen! Because I have the competitive experience. It's true. Sometimes, when we have no healers, I'll go Ana, because I'm nice like that! That's 100% true, but you won't hear the biased Blizzard media say anything about it!"
"@PlayOverwatch wants to ban me because of UNFOUNDED RUMORS that I harass Mercy players and force them to pocket me. Nasty stuff. But I won't give up, not me! Make Overwatch Based Again! #MOBA"
"If Hillary is so great, how come all the big Youtube stars predict me winning!? Explain that, so-called 'experts'!" [link to one of those terrible OW channels where every video thumbnail is clickbait]


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