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Stand Master :Robbie Rotten.

Stand Name: [Master of Disguise]

Stand Power: This stand gives it's user the power to create any disguise they can think of out of thin air and remain completely unrecognizable in said disguise regardless of how paper thin it is. This stand's only weakness is that any disguise it creates will fall apart if the hat, mask, or glasses of the disguise are removed.

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Stand Master :Robbie Rotten.

Stand Name: [We are number one]

Stand Power: Can confer any disguise with extreme detail to it's user. It also conffers powerful technological gadgets to fight enemies.
Requiem: It may also call alternate Robbies from other dimensions, to help it's user. If any Robbie die, they go back to their original universe but may never be called again. If the user dies, all called Robbies die too.


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