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Fire Emblem - We are slowly moving closer and closer to yandere territory...

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the world's best potato
the world's best potato

After reading her conversations in this game, she really came as a manipulative, creepy obsessed poerson despite her cute looks, and she even has a terrible ending because of it.

But i'm happy she was written like that, despite really liking her design, she isn't written like a generic yandere type, she is just a really disfuntional person that can't let go of the past and grow, unlike alm and celica, she just wants to spend her days with her first crush, despite being in the middle of a country changing war.

Her yandere traits aren't a glorified portrayal like tharja or camilla, she is just a mentaly sick person that can't grow and has a really bad ending because of it. Not to mention that her support with alm actually lowers her stats.


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