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I'm just going to point out 2 things.
1. There have been rumors of a Metroid game being reveled at E3, so don't lose hope yet.
2. This game is being made by Ubisoft, not Nintendo, they are just producing it. While they did allow it to be made, they aren't the ones who came up with it. You can blame them for it existing, but you can't blame them for making it instead of another game, as they aren't the ones making it.
Honestly, I'm not existed for this game either, as I've never been a fan of the rabbids and the "quirky" humor shown in leaks have not helped my opinion of them either. Seems to me Ubisoft saw the popularity of the Minions and wanted to cash in with their own version by attaching it to a face everyone always knows, as it would at least get people talking about the game. However, I always try to reserve judgement until gameplay is released, so I won't bash the game yet just because I dislike the concept. Besides, there are plenty of other great Nintendo games that are going to be at E3, including Mario Odyssey at the forefront, so it won't make too much of an impact anyway.


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