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Marvel Comics - You ever heard about the ghost cities in China that has hundreds if not thousands of buildings compl...

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in reply to Kenaron

Basically Marvel wants to turn her into their own Wonder Woman, since they realized that despite their recent "progressiveness" they do not have an iconic female character
The problem is that she was never even nearly as popular as WW, and that they are doing an awful job at writing her (a common problem with recent Marvel comics in general), and thus her titles have awfully poor sales
Yet despite of this, Marvel keeps treating her as if she was their most importan character
Thus the alegory of Chinese Ghost towns (putting resources into making something for people who do not exist)


in reply to patriot712

I'm not sure why Youtube wants me to know the opinions of anti-sjw comic book fans, but it does. And I gather from what little I've paid attention to the matter that a lot of Marvel fans never liked Captain Marvel because reasons. Generic anti-feminist rants often go along with this. And that pushing her as hard as they are is political correctness gone wrong or something? It sounds like (and again I'm no expert I'm just rehashing like a dozen Youtube videos here) they wanted a powerful woman but didn't know how to write one and don't want to admit mistakes.


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