Rohrabacher staffer outed for Russian ties | Russiagate | Know Your Meme
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Long before he took up his most recent post as an aide to California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Behrends worked alongside the Afghan mujahideen, helped the future Blackwater founder Erik Prince get an internship on Capitol Hill (later, he navigated the security firm through the political fallout from a 2007 massacre of civilians in Iraq) and served as chief lobbyist for a firm at the heart of the Jack Abramoff scandal. More recently, he has become a confidant of the pro-Trump Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel and served as the Capitol Hill point-man for the right-wing government of Hungary. While his boss-who was jokingly described by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy in a closed-door meeting last year as being on the Kremlin's payroll-is the most vociferous defender of Russian interests in Congress and a staunch ally of President Donald Trump, it is Behrends who does much of the actual work, a role that now thrusts him into the spotlight as investigators and media sleuths suss out links between Trump's allies and Moscow. Behrends has been the chief Capitol Hil contact for the lawyer Natalia Vetlitskaya and the lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, a former Soviet intelligence officer, whose contacts with Trump Jr., along with Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, are now at the center of questions about whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
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