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Can You Match The Tits and Ass With the Face?

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in reply to *sigh*

So freelance artists have nearly infinite time dispositions and resources to make every single character of theirs look 100% different on every regard possible just because they do not work for a network, and they need to meet a pointless, subjective "diversity" quota on their drawings to be considered good and try and please as many people as possible..? Huh.

So I guess all of these artists have recognizable styles, gimmicks and assets that people love just because they are lazy fucks who cannot do anything else with their tremendous amounts of free time that their easy job of drawing "flat images" let them have.

No, dude. Drawing is no different than handwriting: everyone has one unique, particular style that hardly changes over time, and trying something new or different for the hell of it will be lackluster at best, completely failed at worst. And there is nothing wrong with that. Once you find your style, you stick with it. This applies to more than just drawing, even.

Good job on downplaying freelance artists' job and efforts that they train and work hard for many years non-stop, anyway. I will remember that line of thought next time I judge indie videogames, too.


This is some next-level cherry picking tactics at play. All because a lewd artist you dislike is popular. That is just sad and pathetic.

I remember when Sakimichan out of all people got something VERY similar to this:

I wonder why some people struggle to understand how artistic styles work. Like, nobody complains that my vowels look similar to my consonants on my handwriting, so why do lewd artists get shit for having similarities on their art..? The logic is the exact same, and you see it on anime, cartoons and videogames all the time (specially modern cartoons with simple styles). Well, I guess I am not popular, but they are, so there is that: the bitterness factor.


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