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Outcast Redeemer
Outcast Redeemer

armature Historian here. Women were never apart of the standard military infantry ranks. There were instances where women did fight in the front lines but that was due to necessity. A prime example would have been the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising where every man woman and child fought the Nazis who only won because they out numbered the civilians by 40 to 1. Another instance would have been the local freedom fighters who many of which were women because they could slip in undetected. Now I from the Trailer that particular battle would have been when D-day was starting, the 101st were dropped in and made use of the existing militias there to disrupt German response to the actual Normandy invasion. In most instances, in the main allied armies, when women served they did so as logistics or acted as nurses. In the Soviet Union they made use of women flying wooden death traps with light bombs to terrorize the German soldiers deep within their own lines. And In Germany during the final months of the war women and children were sent to man AA guns and Anti-Tank Guns in the defense of major German cities. Europe under Nazi rule was harsh and the resistance made use of anything they could get their hands on so it itsn't that much of a stretch to imagine them using a crippled woman with a claw hand. I just wished that they used the actual accents of the resistance instead of making them all British.


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