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"Tell me, what do you do with op heroes?"
"Nerf! Nerf, nerf them hard!"
"And what do you nerf apart from them?"
"More broken characters! …uh… Shimadas!"
"So, why do op heroes get nerfed?"
"B--… 'cause they're made of dragons?"
"Good! So, how do we tell whether she is made of dragons?"
"Make her use her ult."
"Aah, but can you not also get EMP'd?"
"Oh, yeah."
"Are dragons very quiet?"
"No, no. It roars! It roars!"
"What is also very loud?"
"Guns! Explosions! Falling off a cliff! Teleports! Uhhh, gremlins! Voice chat! Move the payload! Point capture! I need healing!"
"A frog."


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