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People not killed who were not Jews who died in the holocaust: 99.76%.
Population estimated not killed total (using these duuumb statistics): 99.81% of the population. It doesn't really work like that given that these are all from different eras, but the comparison will work.

Using these cherry picked numbers, and it still ends up being millions and millions of people effected. For example using the first statistic, assuming it is true, 1 in 100,000 people is1/1000,000* 7.2 billion. That would mean that 72,000 people would die from it (presumably this year), 14,400 from the second, 93,506 from the third, 3600 fourth, 7200 after that, 86,746 next, 3130 next, 5142 next, and 12,000 for the finale.

In other words, what this – cherry picked and not all exclusive – list containing only the fatalities is saying is that vaccines have saved 290,524 people- probably per year.

Freakenstein Moderator

"Info"graphic created by Dr. Bob Sears, author of "The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child" and peddler of supplements and immune boosters. The "Immunity Education" Group claiming to present "all sides" of vaccines but is really just antivaccine, as can be clearly shown in this "info"graphic, "oh, we don't really need vaccines, look how well we are doing without them!" in dubious statistical analysis, despite CLEAR, VITAL SIGNS that was actually do fucking need them. Dr. Bob Sears is also the author of "The Vaccine Book and The Autism Book", which is a red flag in and of itself. He claims to give vaccines to his patients as a pediatrician regularly, so why downplay the important effects that vaccines provide?


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