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Doom Eternal - Twitter gets political about something - Doom Edition

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Duke Bruh
Duke Bruh

in reply to Mr. Candles

To make it even worse,the Doom community on Tumblr is really chill.You get some hotheads sometime but overall is a nice place where you can discuss about the series.
The fact that Doom managed to make a calm and collected community on Tumblr,it's a huge achievement.
Hell,even most people on 4chan loved it(at least on /vr/),with the occasional anon who shits about the quality of the game.

But even then,I'll take a 4chan shitposter over a Twitter politics obsessed crybaby.

Duke Bruh
Duke Bruh

in reply to Mr. Candles

I feel like my brain cells are dying.

How can you process this about a game killing demons.
Doom takes place in the same universe as Wolfenstein,it's confirmed.

Plus you have not one,but TWO secret levels in Doom 2 where you kill the nazis from Wolfenstein,how is this nazi fantasy?
They're literally sympatizing for demons,they're part of the reason why the developers made that joke.


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