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Selfie with Jimmy Bennett
Uploaded by Don Caldwell Aug 20, 2018 at 12:01PM EDT
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I do not want to give this guy a cookie by any means, but it would be nice for men to realize there is another way to talk about these issues without being a total asshole.
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It sure is nice that Casey Affleck is saying all the right things about #MeToo after he & his PR team ran a ruthless Oscar campaign that shut down vague mentions of sexual harassment, then went silent long enough until the first steps of industry backlash
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Casey Affleck’s post-Me Too mea culpa/get out ahead of Oscar campaign for Old Man and the Gun interview is the model all others should follow. https://apnews.com/e50db6e255364f7da01412a6734a3685 …
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Lindsay Lohan hasn’t been a relevant actress in a decade so I’m not sure why a trade magazine is reporting on her nonsense
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The #MeToo movement is about teaching people that certain behavior that we as a society have normalized IS NOT OKAY. It’s not about “looking weak”, it’s about refusing to be weak anymore.
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. @lindsaylohan is canceled. Forever. Lindsay Lohan Says Women Who Speak Out About #MeToo Experiences 'Look Weak' - People
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At a recent Unleash the Power Within (UPW) event in San Jose, my comments failed to reflect the respect I have for everything Tarana Burke and the #MeToo movement has achieved.
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1. This woman is awesome. 2. Tony Robbins is a snake oil salesman. 3. I guaran-damn-tee he made up that anecdote.
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