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I agree that the jokes and mentions about him are very stale by now (and I think the same about Chris Hansen images on literally all loli-them memes), but I disagree with everything else you put on the notes.

"I know, none of us are really okay with his actions"

I am.

You read me right: I am.

Sure, he thrives on all kinds of attention and he knows and capitalizes upon it, and he does have a past of him being an edgelord that partially retains even today. But you know what else he also does..?

- Calls out much shittier people for the shit they are, even though he does not have to.
- Does what he enjoys the most and gives zero fucks about others' opinions about it, and does not try to pander for views or anything.
- Despite everything, his moral compass is still better than that of what seems to be over half of the internet today.
- Respects his increasing network of co-workers as colleagues instead of shit-talking them as some artists do, and even other artists in general. And;
- Has never done anything shady or dishonest to earn money. No scams, no frauds, no anything. You would be impressed at how rare that is becoming on the art industry.

And no one ever seems to talk about this.

(continued below)


in reply to Nedhitis

All of these are admirable traits on any person. And all of those pros against, what, his biggest crime being loli porn and edgy stuff..? Yes, I think I know which of those 2 sides weighs the most in my mind.

So yes. I respect your opinion on him and I understand why anyone would share it, but please do not patronize the entire site's stance saying it is everyone's stance on him. It is not. I said it 2 times and I say it again: I am OK with his actions. And I will keep being so unless he does something actually unforgivable.


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