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in reply to bluemersini


Not at all? Vaccines have nothing to do with health advice. Anyone who took biology at any point in their life knows about the immunesystem's response knows that its harder to be infected with the same strain of a disease after having it once.
Anyone who's gotten chicken pox knows.you can't get it again.

This isn't one doctor versus all the others this is every single doctor in the world versus some blogger online with zero credentials.


Medical shows dumb down the learning curve, so it’s easier to learn. The actual process of learning about vaccines and antibodies takes years of study into microbiology and the human body, something watching a half an hour show will never condense into. I’m for vaccines, but even I don’t know all the specifics of it. That’s why we trust the people who do know about it, because they’ve spent years studying it. To any anti-vaxxers, if you want to spout nonsense about vaccines causing autism or some other BS, study to become a doctor and have extensive knowledge about vaccines. By that time, you’ll either have become bored of it and moved on or become an expert in the field and now know what you were talking about before was utter nonsense.


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