.#Superb_Owl instalment #5: a Northern Saw-whet Owl snoozes by day. #SuperbOwl #SuperbOwlSunday #SuperbOwl2019
Uploaded by Matt Feb 05, 2019 at 03:57PM EST
@birder_justin superbowl football animals
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Superb Owl Sunday III - 28 photos of these magnificent nocturnal hunters. If you have some time today before the big game (or are skipping the event entirely) I invite you to have a look, it was a real hoot putting this together. https://theatln.tc/I5pPdq
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Once again, it's Superb Owl Sunday! Hood's Sarsaparilla, which was made for many years here in Lowell, often featured a "wise" owl on its advertisements and order forms. #SuperbOwl #LowellNPS #LikeLowell
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#SuperbOwlSunday Barred owls live here year-round, but winter is perhaps the best time of year to see them. Trees have dropped their leaves, so it's easier to glimpse an owl's silhouette at dusk. It's a real treat to spot one and say, "That's a superb owl
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It's #SuperbOwl Sunday! Did you know that four egg-celent #owl species are known to call #Lassen their home all year long? One of these is the beautiful, talon-ted, and deadly (if you're a rodent) California Spotted Owl. This particular mated pair had a
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Superb Owl - .#Superb_Owl instalment #5: a Northern Saw-whet Owl snoozes by day. #SuperbOwl #SuperbOwlSunday #SuperbOwl2019
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