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Alita Challenge - You vs the girl he tells you not to worry about

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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to OurDeerLeader

Maybe, but also I remember seeing a video once about why there can be a real disconnect between audiences and critics and it made a lot of sense to me. For critics their job is they have to see a lot of movies in a small span of time so the ones that feel too samey to them start to blend together, while for audiences they don't see movies as often as critics so something that feels too cliche/samey to a critic probably won't feel that way to general audiences. Similarly critics are more likely to see movies that general audiences would probably ignore. This is why occasionally you'll have situations where audiences enjoy something critics don't, or vice versa.

Funny thing is it was Doug Walker who made that video I just described, and he and his brother Rob actually do dislike Captain Marvel, saying "it's like Ghostbusters 2016 all over again, it's just so boring it's not even worth anyone getting all up in arms over."


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