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Nobody: - 2010 animations in a nutshell

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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

Honestly Game Grumps has made at least some of Arin's old "Awesome" parodies less funny to me. A good example is Awesome May Cry as initially I was like "ha, just a lighthearted jab at Dante being kind of a dork," but then it was in a video as early as the Jon era (I even remember the exact vid, it was the one where they played PlayStation All-Stars) where Arin revealed he actually hates the mainline DMC games because he thinks classic Dante's "a stupid character" (he also said he unironically preferred "Donte" so take that as you will), it made that old parody less amusing to look back on.

The Halo Reach video is kind of an odd one for me because on one hand I love the animation and over the top expressions, but Arin admitting he doesn't even like Halo and the purpose of the video was to make fun of Halo fans for being hyped over a game he doesn't give a shit about makes the context behind it make me go "well screw you too Arin."


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