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opinion->opon | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Feb 19, 2020 at 09:42AM EST
/r/shitpostcrusaders/ reddit shitpost graphic design
Origin Entry: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
File type: png
Resolution: (432px x 429px)
File size: 134 KB
Turning Jojo Characters into Vibe Check Emojis until Stone Ocean gets Announced (Day 3: George Joestar I) | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/
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Black Clover has a character named after a serial killer and barely anyone care. JoJo has Hitler in BT Manga and barely anyone cares. My Hero Academia has Bakugou share the same birthday as Hitler and "fans" think Horikoshi is a nazi. | /r/ShitPostCrusade
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supposed to be doing homework, but i'll procrastinate for some jojo memes | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - opinion->opon | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/
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