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Juki Nuki
Juki Nuki

"Let';s just recap by saying there are indeed injustices in the world, but Hollywood celebrities feel none of them. Brie Larson upset that there are too many men reviewing movies is not an injustice. An injustice is not being able to put food on the table for your family, or get medicine you need when you're sick, not when there's too many white guys reviewing Captain Marvel."

-Mike Stoklasa


Boo-fucking-hoo. Some of us have real problems like not having jobs, being stuck with abusive family members, or battling mental illness that is compounded by the isolation of staying home all day. Your privileged ass should feel fucking grateful that the worst thing you have to endure is eating cereal in your goddamn mansion that most of us can't even dream to afford having instead of eating sushi at an expensive restaurant.


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